
Watch this space for upcoming programs and events happening with Mahaska County Conservation! Registration forms and flyers for specific events are listed below.

Registration Forms & Event Flyers

There are none available at this time.

Upcoming Programs:

March 12, 2025
9:00am to 10:00am

Knee-High Naturalists

Bring your children ages 5 and younger out to the Environmental Learning Center on Wednesday, March 12 from 9-10 am for the monthly Knee-High Naturalist program. This FREE program is designed to help foster learning about nature and exploring the outdoors. We ask that adults bringing children remain with them during the program.

On March 12th, the activity is titled "Reptiles". Kids will learn why some animals are reptiles and have a chance to meet a few of our ambassador snakes and turtles.

***Registration is needed to participate. A minimum of 5 kids are needed to hold the program. To sign up for this program, contact the Mahaska County Conservation by calling (641)673-9327 or emailing

Event Location

Environmental Learning Center, Caldwell Park
2342 Hwy. 92
Oskaloosa, IA
March 14, 2025
9:00am to 10:00am

Coffee Club at the ELC

Join us at Mahaska County Conservation's monthly "Coffee Club at the ELC" on Friday, March 14 from 9:00-10:00 am. We meet upstairs in the Discovery Lab and have homemade refreshments served along with freshly brewed coffee and hot chocolate.

***Bring a cup or mug that has green colors on it to be entered in a door prize!

At the Coffee Club, we have a great time visiting and learning about fascinating things about nature and Mahaska County Conservation.

The Environmental Learning Center is located at 2342 Hwy. 92, Oskaloosa, IA 52577. 

Event Location

Environmental Learning Center, Caldwell Park
2342 Hwy. 92
Oskaloosa, IA
March 19, 2025
10:00am to 11:00am

Homeschool Science Lab "Trading Post"

The Mahaska County Conservation Board invites homeschool and online school families to the monthly Homeschool Science Lab on Wednesday, March 19th from 10:00-11:00 am at the Mahaska County Environmental Learning Center.

The topic for March will be "Trading Post". Kids will learn how people in our past used trading posts and then participate in a trading post inside the ELC.

****This program is free, and reservations are needed to participate. A minimum of 5 kids are needed to hold the program. Sign up by calling MCCB at (641)673-9327 or email

Event Location

Environmental Learning Center, Caldwell Park
2342 Hwy. 92
Oskaloosa, IA
March 21, 2025

OWLS Program "The Prairie Tool: American Bison"

The Mahaska County Conservation invites adults of any age to the O.W.L.S. (Older, Wiser, Livelier Souls) program on Friday, March 21 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm for a guest presentation about the American Bison.

Guest speaker, Lilly Morin, will speak about "The Prairie Tool: American Bison". She will share her wealth of knowledge of how bison have historically shaped America's prairies. She will also explain how our land today can benefit from modern grazers working the land as herds of bison once did. Lilly is a current Green Iowa AmeriCorps member serving Mahaska County Conservation.

***RESERVATIONS are needed to save a seat! Call (641)673-9327 or email by March 20.

Event Location

Environmental Learning Center, Caldwell Park
2342 Hwy. 92
Oskaloosa, IA